How To Take Care of Your Dental Crown

Dental crowns have the power to restore the beauty and function to damaged, decayed, or chipped teeth by placing a porcelain, gold, or metal shell over the tooth. The longevity of your crown will depend on the type of crown you receive.

Porcelain crowns are one of the most common types of the crown because they are manufactured to match the exact color of your natural teeth. Not to mention, porcelain crowns can last for years. However, like your real teeth, you will need to take care of your dental crown, if you want it to stay healthy and functional for years to come.

How to Help the Recovery of a Dental Crown

Since dental crowns are used for restoring damaged teeth, there are some measures you can take to help recover from your dental crown treatment, while also keeping decay and infections in the underlying tooth at bay.

To fit your tooth for a permanent crown, we will need to prepare your tooth by filing down some of the outside layers, in order for your new crown to fit comfortably. Then, we will place a temporary crown over your tooth, until the permanent crown can be placed. We often use anesthetic while preparing the tooth. It’s important that you avoid chewing foods until the numbness has worn off, while also making sure you don’t bite your tongue or cheeks.

If something happens in which your temporary crown becomes dislodged, it’s important that you see us as soon as possible. Oftentimes, going without a temporary crown can cause the tooth to shift, which can hinder the placement of the permanent crown.

During the period in which you have a temporary crown, you should brush as usual, while using extra care while flossing as to not remove the crown. You might experience some sensitivity to cold foods, as well as gum irritation for a few days after your treatment. Rinsing with warm salt water will help soothe any of the irritations.

Once your permanent crown is placed, you will still need to keep your eye out for a few conditions to make sure your crown remains in good health.

Long-Term Care For Your Permanent Crown

After the initial placement of your permanent crown, you might feel some sensitivity to cold food and drinks and slight irritation from the cement. You can combat the sensitivity by using sensitivity toothpaste, like pronamel or crest for sensitive teeth.

Dental crowns strength the area of the tooth visible above the gum-line. You will need to take extra precautions to make sure that the gums and area between the crown stay healthy by following proper dental care. Even though the prosthetic crown itself won’t experience decay, the areas near the gum-line, where the natural tooth is visible are still susceptible to tooth decay.

To ensure your tooth and crown stay healthy, you will need to continue to brush and floss rigorously. It’s also a good idea to use a fluoride rinse and fluoride paste to strengthen the underlying enamel and prevent root decay. This is especially important for patients with a history of periodontal disease and dental decay.

While ceramic crowns are incredibly strong and can withstand natural bite pressure, they still have the risk of fracturing, like a natural tooth. You can help preserve your crown by not chewing on ice or other materials that could damage your tooth.

One of the easiest ways to preserve your dental crown is by going to the dentist for regular check-ups. We will be able to assess your crown and the underlying tooth structure for any signs of damage, allowing us to stop any potential problems before they arise. Not to mention, we will be able to clean the area using advanced technology, for a clean you cannot get at home.