Sedation Dentistry in Palm Beach Gardens & Jupiter

  • Sedation Dentistry and Dental Implants

    Do you have a dental appointment coming up that you really wish to cancel or avoid at all costs due to your dental anxiety? Don’t let your fears of the dentist take your dream of a beautiful smile away from you. With our sedation dentistry techniques, there’s no reason why you should feel your perfect smile is out of your reach. Read along to learn more about sedation dentistry in South Florida and Palm Beach Gardens, FL to find out how it can help you or a loved one get through their next dental implant appointment.

    Full mouth cosmetic reconstruction with dental implants can transform your smile. Dental implants can replace missing or severely damaged teeth. Dr. Ajmo can put together a personalized treatment plan that will provide a beautiful aesthetic enhancement to your smile.

  • A Soothing Dental Implant Experience

    Here at PGA Dentistry, we understand that many patients with dental fears may avoid visiting the dentist because they just can’t handle their anxiety. We have plenty of patients with dental anxiety and fears that rave about sedation dentistry and how it helps them get through their dental appointments. Sedation dentistry is specifically designed to allow patients to undergo several procedures at the same time so they don’t have to come in for numerous office visits to complete their treatment plan. There are 2 types of sedation dentistry that our patients can choose from with the assistance of Dr. Ajmo. To learn about each of these sedation techniques, read along below.

  • Oral Conscious Sedation

    If you’re someone that identifies themselves as mildly to moderately dental anxious and has been avoiding your dental appointments due to fears of gagging, claustrophobia, trauma, needles, or pain caused by dental work, oral conscious sedation can change all of that for you. Oral conscious sedation is a safe and effective way to calm patients through the use of 1 or 2 prescribed pills by Dr. Ajmo. The pills are taken and administered by Dr. Ajmo approximately 60 minutes before treatment so it has time to fully take effect, erasing all traces of anxiety, stress, and fear.

    If the patient reports feelings of anxiety the night before the appointment, Dr. Ajmo may suggest and prescribe an additional pill to bring on a restful night before treatment. This way the patient can relax in a state of tranquility in the dental chair throughout the entire appointment while the patient vitals are constantly being monitored by Dr. Ajmo to ensure a safe dental visit.

    Dr. Ajmo and his team are experienced in calming the fears of patients with dental anxiety or phobia. IV sedation is offered, allowing patients to undergo dental work without experiencing any pain or anxiety. Patients describe their experiences with Dr. Ajmo’s sedation dentistry.

    We typically recommend oral conscious sedation for those undergoing these types of procedures:

    • Dental crowns
    • Tooth fillings
    • Porcelain veneers
    • Root canal treatment
    • Periodontal surgery
    • Deep cleanings

    Less lengthy treatments are the best kind for oral conscious sedation methods because they lull the patient into a state of calm without taking away their ability to communicate with the dentist. By the time the patient arrives home after treatment, they may feel sleepy so a nap is suggested to help them come out of the sedation fog, leaving them feeling refreshed and awake to admire their beautiful smile.

    Root canal treatment, periodontal surgery, deep cleanings, and less lengthy treatments are the best kind for oral conscious sedation methods because they lull the patient into a state of calm without taking away their ability to communicate with the dentist.

    A collage of before and after photos of a patient, Lenny of PGA Dentistry.

    Actual Patient of PGA Dentistry

  • IV Sedation Dentistry

    You may identify yourself as someone with anxiety that is moderate to severe, and that’s okay. We have a solution for you too. Intravenous sedation is a sedation dentistry method that can only be administered by a certified sedation expert like Dr. Ajmo. IV sedation usually leaves the patient with no memory of pain, stress, or anxiety; letting them enter a deeper state of sedation so they can completely relax with no sense of alarm whatsoever. This form of sedation is not only safe but allows you to relax enough to let Dr. Ajmo reverse years of neglect and damage in a few visits compared to several visits without sedation dentistry.

    The sedation medication is administered through an intravenous tube to calm patients into a peaceful state of sedation. We typically use this sedation dentistry technique for lengthier types of procedures such as:

    • Dental implant surgery
    • Oral surgery
    • Full-mouth reconstruction
    • Smile makeovers
    • Complete dental restoration

    IV sedation is especially popular for the dentally anxious because it has an immediate effect and leaves patients with absolutely no memory of the procedure, so even the most anxious person can experience a stress-free, painless, and enjoyable dental appointment. Dr. Ajmo will be consistently monitoring your vital signs to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the dental experience.

    *Both forms of sedation dentistry require a trusted family member or friend to drive the patient to and from the office to ensure their safety as they will be in no condition to drive. Your safety is our first priority!

Contact PGA Dentistry

  • Approximately 75% of Americans suffer from some sort of dental anxiety; this results in the avoidance of any and all dental visits. When dental anxiety prevents patients from getting the dental care and works that they need to keep their mouth healthy, patients may experience outcomes of poor oral health, infections, tooth decay, gum disease, or even tooth loss. If you’re tired of letting your anxiety run your oral health, contact us to schedule your next dental implant appointment with an option for oral conscious sedation or IV sedation so you can experience all the calming benefits of sedation dentistry. We look forward to trumping your dental anxiety at your next visit!

consultation Image

Complimentary Consultation
or 2nd Opinion

  • Exam
  • Full mouth X-rays
  • Private Consultation with Doctor ($450value)
Working hours
  • Monday: 8am - 5pm
  • Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Thursday: 8am - 5pm
  • Friday: 8am - 1pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed