How Wine Affects Teeth Whitening Results

Most people associate coffee and black tea with dental stains, and it is true that these beverages can contribute to tooth discoloration. Nevertheless, there are a number of additional treatments that can affect the color of your smile. Wine – both red and white – is a significant cause of tooth discoloration. At PGA Center for Advanced Dentistry, We Offer Effective Teeth Whitening To Reduce The Stains Left By Wine And Other Substances. While future wine consumption can impact the results of your treatment, routine touch-ups can keep your smile bright and dazzling for many years. To learn more about wine before and after teeth whitening, contact our Palm Beach Gardens, FL practice today.

How Wine Contributes to Dental Stains

There are several ways in which wine can lead to dental discoloration. The first and most obvious cause is the color of the wine. Red wine and other dark substances contain pigmented molecules called chromogens. When you drink red wine regularly, the chromogens will attach to your dental enamel, and your teeth will appear slightly yellow or brownish.

The second way in which wine can contribute to dental stains is the high acidity level of the beverage. That is why white wine, as well as red, can affect the color of your teeth. Over time, the high acid levels will erode your enamel, exposing the off-white layer of tissue underneath. In addition, these tissues are more porous than enamel, so colored molecules will adhere to your teeth even more readily.

Abstain from Wine for a Few Days after Teeth Whitening

We offer two types of teeth whitening at PGA Center for Advanced Dentistry. Both in-office Zoom! and take-home whitening will use peroxide-based gel. The material will release oxygen molecules in your teeth, which will break apart dental stains. Following whitening, your teeth will be more porous than usual. Therefore, you should avoid wine and other notorious stain-producing foods and drinks for at least two to three days.

Wine and the Long-Term Results of Teeth Whitening

If you have your teeth whitened, does that mean you can never enjoy a glass of red wine again? As with everything, moderation is key. Occasional consumption will not typically affect your smile, especially if you exercise smart habits. Drink plenty of water along with your wine, and rinse out your mouth thoroughly when you are done. About 30 minutes after you have finished, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.

Like many people, you may look forward to a nightly glass of wine when you get home from work. While regular consumption can affect your appearance, there are certain precautions you can take to minimize the damage to your smile. First, drink water simultaneously, rinse when you are done and do not forget to brush your teeth. You can further minimize staining by undergoing regular whitening touch-ups. These routine treatments may take place in the office. Dr. Ajmo can also provide take-home trays and whitening gel for care at home. Remember that you should only perform touch-ups according to your dentist’s instructions. Though proper dental bleaching is safe and involves negligible risks, too frequent whitening can damage your enamel and gum tissue.

Schedule a Whitening Consultation

Learn more about whitening and find out if the treatment is right for you. Contact Our Office Today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ajmo.