Repair Your Smile With Restorative Dentistry in Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative dentistry in Palm Beach Gardens can be an absolute game-changer when it comes to the quality of life you enjoy. Is your smile causing pain and suffering instead of the joy and pleasure it should? Are your teeth broken, decayed, or even missing? Is eating the foods you used to love getting harder and harder to do? Is romance feeling like less of a priority because of your oral health? Then it’s time you talked to the smile experts at PGA Dentistry. We can take even the most damaged, cavity-filled, and failing smile and bring it back to strength, health, and life with our restorative dental procedures.
Restorative dentistry from PGA dentistry can:
What's More
What’s more, when you turn to Dr. Jay Ajmo and his dental team in Palm Beach Gardens, you know you are going to get restorative dental care that looks and feels as beautiful and natural as possible. Not only is Dr. Ajmo, an implant specialist certified by multiple boards and associations, he is also considered one of the finest cosmetic dentists in the area. That means he goes above and beyond simply restoring your teeth, he restores the esthetics of your teeth as well. He really believes that all dentistry should be cosmetic dentistry, because, honestly, who doesn’t want a beautiful smile?

Complimentary Consultation
or 2nd Opinion
- Exam
- Full mouth X-rays
- Private Consultation with Doctor ($450value)