Professional Teeth Cleanings Are Essential
To Your Oral Health
TMJ disorder has a wide range of painful associated symptoms. This common condition affects the temporomandibular joints at either side of the jaw. All too often, patients treat this condition as little more than an annoyance, using over-the-counter pain medication. Unfortunately, ignoring TMJ disorder can result in worsening symptoms and impaired jaw function.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be living with TMJ disorder, and should seek treatment at our Palm Beach Gardens office:
If You Are Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms, Please Contact Us Today.
Our Approach To Treating TMJ
Malocclusion (a misaligned bite), unmanaged stress or anxiety, a traumatic injury, or degenerative disorder can disrupt the delicate balance of bones, tendons, cartilage, nerves, and/or muscles surrounding the TMJs. As part of your routine Dental check-up, Dr. Jay Ajmo will use a variety of diagnostic techniques to check the TMJs for proper function. TMJ dysfunction is one of the most pervasive oral health problems Dr. Ajmo encounters, so he has received extensive training in treating the disorder to help improve his patients’ quality of life.
If Dr. Ajmo diagnoses you with TMJ disorder, he may prescribe a Mouth Or Night Guard, also known as an occlusal splint, to correct the issue. This device will be custom-designed to fit your mouth and will address your unique condition. The pain associated with TMJ disorder usually derives from tense, overstressed craniofacial muscles caused by poor occlusion (how your top and bottom teeth meet). Before designing your oral splint, Dr. Ajmo will first determine the ideal physiologic rest position of your jaw, where the muscles controlling the TMJs will no longer be overstressed and painful. Worn primarily at night, your appliance can help the craniofacial muscles relax. In addition, your appliance will protect your teeth from the wear caused by teeth grinding, or bruxism, a very common condition affecting TMJ sufferers.
In some cases, the severity of TMJ disorder may call for the help of a specialist. Dr. Ajmo is committed to ensuring that you receive the care you require, and he will happily provide a referral.
Managing Your TMJ Symptoms
If Dr. Ajmo diagnoses you with TMJ disorder, he will also provide you with expert advice on managing your symptoms. Suggestions may include:
We Can Help You Find Relief
If you are living with chronic pain and impaired oral function, you have options. Dr. Jay Ajmo can help you find the relief you need so you can get back to enjoying the things you love. Contact Us today to schedule an appointment.

Complimentary Consultation
or 2nd Opinion
- Exam
- Full mouth X-rays
- Private Consultation with Doctor ($450value)