• General Dentistry

    You take care of yourself. You get plenty of exercise and fresh air, eat right, and keep up with all your regularly scheduled wellness visits. That is all so important! But if you aren’t getting the best possible general dental care in Palm Beach Gardens your oral health may be undoing all those other health precautions you’re taking. And that’s a fact. Your mouth not only lets you speak, eat, and smile, it is also inextricably linked to the rest of your body. Here’s how:

    Your gums are mucous membranes that, when healthy, protect your body from toxins. But when they themselves become infected and diseased, they are direct portals for all those bacteria and toxins to enter your body. This has led scientists, dental experts, and healthcare professionals to see direct links between gum disease and:

    • Strokes
    • Heart attacks
    • Diabetic issues
    • Cancer
    • Pregnancy complications
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Lung disease
    • Kidney disease
    • Inflammation
    • And so much more
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Your jaw and bite (the way your teeth work together) can have severe effects on your wellbeing when they are not in balance leading to all kinds of issues, including:

  • Headaches (often a trigger for migraines)
  • Upper body pain
  • Tinnitus (ringing ears)
  • Facial numbness and tingling
  • Sleep apnea
  • Jaw locking and popping
  • Difficulty eating certain foods

And those are just two of the ways your smile and body are connected and can affect your life!

Because of this, your Palm Beach Gardens general dentists at PGA dentistry put a lot of energy into getting your preventive and general interventions just right. We care deeply about our Juno and Palm Beach Gardens general dentistry patients and support your healthy lifestyle, body, smile, and spirit!

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Complimentary Consultation
or 2nd Opinion

  • Exam
  • Full mouth X-rays
  • Private Consultation with Doctor ($450value)
Working hours
  • Monday: 8am - 5pm
  • Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
  • Thursday: 8am - 5pm
  • Friday: 8am - 1pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed