Teeth Next Day – Lenny’s Story

For folks who find themselves needing to make a decision about tooth replacements, the pressure to make the right choice can feel overwhelming. That’s why, at PGA Dentistry, we offer a complimentary consultation or 2nd opinion for anyone considering dental implants. Our complimentary consultation includes:

​​Comprehensive Exam

Full series of x-rays

Digital smile photo session

Private consultation with the doctor

We want all of our Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter patients to feel complete confidence knowing that they’ve not only chosen the right procedure, but also the right office and doctor. Many of our dental implant patients tell us that they chose Teeth Next Day because of Dr. Ajmo’s ability to precisely and clearly explain the procedure. Who knew that dental implants could be so fast, easy, and convenient – and last a lifetime? It’s why Lenny chose Teeth Next Day, and it not only changed his smile, it changed his life.

Discovering Renewed Health

Lenny was one of the millions of Americans who dealt with the consequences of dental phobia. Because of this fear, he suffered from advanced periodontal disease and all of his teeth were loose. Periodontal disease is a silent killer, not only because of how it affects teeth but also, and more seriously, because it has been linked to a whole series of health problems including:

  • Heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Inflammation
  • Worsened diabetes
  • Cancer

and much more.

Though Lenny understood the severity of his issue, he kept it a secret from his wife so he wouldn’t have to face his dental fears and choose a dentist. But, as Lenny said, “A point arrives where you know you need something done. I wasn’t comfortable with my looks, I wasn’t comfortable with my smile, I felt that every time I looked at pictures of myself…I was always smiling with my mouth closed. I have always suffered from major dental problems and wanted a qualified dentist who could give me a smile I’d be proud of.”

Lenny wanted the most natural-looking and functional teeth he could get.  He also wanted an experienced, highly-skilled dentist who would make sure he felt absolutely no discomfort. But more than anything, he didn’t want to have to endure the anxiety involved in a long, drawn-out process. “Prior to this procedure, any work that I had done was a step-by-step process and took six months to address only one tooth.” It seemed like a progression that would never come to an end. “What was it going to take, 10 years to complete my entire mouth?”

A Smile You Can Use and Show off After One Easy Visit

When he found Dr. Ajmo and read about Teeth Next Day, he was elated. And after the consultation, he knew he had found his new smile. “I think my first question was, ‘How many steps, how many procedures, how many times am I going to have to go under sedation?” Lenny enthused, “To think that I would sit down in the chair in one day, have the bad teeth extracted, have the implants put in, have the temporaries put on, and then walk out with a smile was better than what I had thought originally, was amazing. When I woke up after IV sedation and looked in the mirror, I could not believe it, I have a smile better than I had before– it truly is teeth the next day. Now when I see my smile, I really have a sense of pride. I smile much more. I talk to people…but the real testament came when I ran into people I hadn’t seen in years and they said, ‘Wow! You look great! What did you do differently?’ They didn’t pinpoint exactly, but they knew I looked ten years younger and probably much happier. I wish I had done it many years before this. I would highly recommend it if it has even crossed your mind, to do it. And this is the place to have this done. Dr. Ajmo is the leading dentist doing Teeth Next Day.”

To learn more about Teeth Next Day in Palm Beach Gardens, give PGA Dentistry and Dr. Jay Ajmo a call.  Or click here to see more success stories.