Naturally Beautiful, Dazzlingly Confident

Palm Beach Gardens Smile Makeover with Cosmetic Crowns

Dental crowns have a rather utilitarian reputation – most people think of them as a way to repair broken teeth, protect a tooth after a root canal, or to top a dental implant. That’s all true, but when a smile needs both cosmetic and restorative work, well-designed cosmetic dental crowns are the ideal choice for strength, longevity, and beauty. We often incorporate them into smile-makeovers  and full-mouth restorations for just that reason.

Here at PGA Dentistry, Dr. Ajmo insists on creating the very best and most beautiful solutions for his Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter patients, no matter what their situation or needs are!

Patricia’s Smile Story

After her smile transformation, Patricia talked with us a little about her journey to a healthy, beautiful smile. “Throughout my entire life, I was always self-conscious of my smile. But I had seen so many people with cosmetic dentistry that just looked fake!” Thankfully, Patricia found PGA Dentistry and a natural-looking smile she couldn’t wait to show off.

Before her procedure, Patricia had an uneven gum line, dark yellow teeth, and a very narrow upper jaw. Because she had such a high smile line, a lot of pink gum tissue showed when she smiled. She wanted to show less gum, broaden her upper arch form, and have a bright white smile that she would feel proud of.

Patricia’s smile-makeover plan included:

Laser gum contouring to reduce and balance her gum line

Laser gum contouring is an easy way to dramatically improve your smile. Because we use a laser for this procedure, there is no pain, no need for sutures, and healing time is reduced remarkably. In fact, lasers heal while they work!

A full smile makeover with cosmetic porcelain crowns and veneers

A porcelain dental crown is a “cap” that is placed over a damaged tooth to help restore shape, size, strength or appearance. When bonded in place, crowns encase the entire visible portion of your teeth. PGA Dentistry chooses to use metal-free eMax® crowns for superior color, translucency, and strength for the most natural-looking results possible. Plus, if you are concerned about metal allergies or sensitivities, these are the crowns for you!

Porcelain veneers – similar to porcelain crowns, dental veneers cover only the front surface of the teeth. We choose porcelain veneers primarily to restore and perfect front teeth for a natural profile and gorgeous glow.

Using a balancing combination of porcelain crowns and veneers, Dr. Ajmo widened the appearance of Patricia’s upper arch to broaden her smile. Now, her smile, as well as her entire face, looks so much healthier and more youthful.

Patricia is beyond happy and grateful: “My whole mouth has now been restored with cosmetic porcelain crowns and my smile looks beautiful! The day I went for my procedure, the office staff was very accommodating, they were caring, they were thoughtful, they put me at ease to the point where I went in and the next thing I knew it was over, completed. They woke me up and I felt good! They put a mirror in my hand and said, ‘Smile!’ and when I did, my whole world just changed.  I couldn’t be more thrilled. My friends and family, when they see me now, notice right away that I’m bubbly. I’m laughing and they can’t quite put their finger on it until I explain to them exactly what I had done. I feel like a new woman and I’m happy about that.”

To learn more about how cosmetic dentistry, including cosmetic crowns, can help you strengthen, restore, and perfect your smile, schedule your consultation or 2nd opinion today! For more success stories like Patricia’s visit our gallery.