Ending Dental Problems: Beginning New Smiles

When you have dealt with dental problems most of your life, smiling can feel like the last thing in the world you want to do. And it just gets worse when you are missing teeth. Even eating can turn into a miserable experience instead of a pleasure. Here at PGA Dentistry, Dr. Ajmo and his team want to turn all of that around. We think that our Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter friends deserve:

A smile that makes life better

Teeth and oral health that makes eating a joy

And confidence that is life-changing

We offer all of this with our individualized dental implant procedures supported by state-of-the-art technology. We also understand that for some patients, especially those who have had a lifetime struggle with dental health, even life-changing dental care can be a difficult proposition. Anxiety is often involved. Fear can feel very limiting. And concerns about pain might even stop the entire implant decision-making process in its tracks. That’s when we add the comfort of IV sedation dentistry to the equation. It helped Michele and it could help you.

Smiles Lost and Found

“I suffered from bad teeth my whole life. I was frightened of the dentist and my dental problems got so bad. I could barely eat,” lamented Michelle.  “I was ashamed to smile. But I didn’t know who to trust.”

Then Michelle heard about Dr. Ajmo and his reputation for helping people save their smiles. “Once I learned about Teeth Next Day, I figured I’d go in for a consultation and learn more about it. After spending time with the doctor and staff, I began to get more relaxed and confident about the procedure.”

Steps Toward Total Comfort

Educating and informing our patients about all of our dental procedures – but especially dental implants – is an important part of our comfort philosophy. Fear often develops when you don’t know what to expect or your dentist seems impatient with questions or concerns. Our team goes out of their way to listen carefully, encouraging patients to express their concerns, and then explaining everything in detail.

The next step is discussing anesthetic and sedation options. We offer both oral conscious and IV sedation. And that’s not something all dentists can do! Dr. Ajmo is one of the only cosmetic and implant dentists in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter to achieve board-certification for sedation dentistry. This was one of the deciding factors for Michelle. “Finding an expert I could trust to help me with my dental implants while being sedated was important to me, so I’d be totally comfortable… and I never felt a thing! Everyone took great care of me and I felt no discomfort throughout the process.”

How Dental Implants Improve Your Smile

Unlike dentures, dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. That means they stay in place day and night, keeping your bone stimulated and healthy and your face and mouth looking younger and more attractive. The strength of implants, coupled with beautiful replacement teeth, allows our Palm Beach Gardens patients to eat whatever they like, kiss with passion, and laugh out loud whenever the occasion calls for it. It really is life-renewing! As Michele loves to tell her friends, “ Dr. Ajmo has changed my life. I’m so happy I did this and I would do it again if I had to.”

To learn more about why PGA Dentistry is the clear choice for dental implants in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter, give us a call today or take a look at how your Palm Beach Gardens neighbors got their smiles back in our smile gallery.