Enjoy a Beautiful Smile with Treatment for Chipped Teeth

Whether you’ve experienced a chipped tooth as a result of a sports injury or accident, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage and protect oral health. Fortunately, There Are A Variety Of Restorative Dentistry Treatments Available To Repair Chipped Teeth And Restore The Smile’s Brilliance. To find out which treatment for chipped teeth is right for you, schedule a consultation with Palm Beach Gardens, FL dentist Jay Ajmo.

Treatments to Restore Chipped Teeth

Chipped teeth are vulnerable to further dental damage and should be treated as early as possible to protect your oral health. If left untreated, chipped teeth are more likely to suffer from tooth decay. This is because the inner structures of the tooth are often exposed in a chipped tooth, leaving the tooth vulnerable to the bacteria and acids responsible for tooth decay. There are many treatments available to repair chipped teeth and address the unique needs of each patient, including:

  • Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are durable, custom-made fabrications that are bonded to the surface of the front facing teeth to correct a number of dental flaws, making them a popular treatment for chipped teeth.
  • Dental Bonding: Dental bonding can be used to repair chips and hide other imperfections. With dental bonding treatment, a tooth-colored resin is applied and molded directly onto the teeth, improving the overall appearance of the smile.
  • Dental Crowns: For those with severely chipped teeth, dental crowns may be the most suitable option. Dental crowns are custom-made, tooth-shaped restorations that completely cover damaged teeth, restoring appearance and function.
  • Onlays: When damage is too severe for treatment with porcelain veneers or dental bonding, but not severe enough for a full dental crown, onlays are often a good option. Onlays, or “partial crowns,” are custom-made to match the color of the surrounding tooth for a seamless blend and restored appearance.

Protect Your Smile

Although it may not always be possible to prevent a chip, avoiding certain habits and practicing proper care can help reduce the risk. Follow these tips to reduce the risk chipping your teeth:

  • Avoid using your teeth as tools: Using your teeth as tools, for instance, to open packages, is dangerous to oral health because it increases the risk of chipping or fracturing the teeth. Instead, reach for the scissors or pliers instead of using your teeth.
  • Avoid chewing on hard objects: Chewing on hard objects, like metal pen caps, fingernails, or even hard candies, can lead to chipped teeth. If you’re having a hard time breaking this habit, try chewing on sugar-free gum instead.
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing sports: Sports-related accidents are a common cause of chipped teeth. Wearing a mouth guard while playing sports, especially contact sports, can help protect the teeth and reduce the risk of chips and fractures.

Receive Your Personalized Treatment Plan

For more information about treatment for chipped teeth and to receive your personalized treatment plan, We Invite You To Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Ajmo.