Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

For a long time, cosmetic dentistry was something that wasn’t considered by many people. This was due largely to cost and accessibility.

However, even now there are many people who could substantially benefit from any of a number of cosmetic dental procedures but are still hesitant to pursue it because of rumors and outdated information that they have heard.

In fact, many of these are simply misconceptions and myths which we will now debunk to reveal the truth behind cosmetic dentistry.

It will only improve the appearance of my teeth

While the name, cosmetic dentistry, suggests that its main focus is on the aesthetic appearance of teeth, the function and health of your teeth can also be improved. This is because many of the procedures can close gaps in teeth where debris and bacteria become trapped and cause decay, or strengthen the teeth and/or jaw bone. In many cases, cosmetic dental treatments will help to preserve your natural teeth and overall dental health.

It’s too expensive

Cosmetic dentistry was once considered an unaffordable luxury. However, advances in the science and technology used to make it now more affordable than ever before. Furthermore, many dental practices offer financing or payment plans so that patients from all walks of life can find a way to budget for their treatment.

Dental insurance may also cover part of the cost of some restorative cosmetic dentistry procedures such as crowns or implants. However, you should check your individual policy carefully before scheduling any treatments.

It’s unnecessary pain

Dental treatments have an unfortunate association with pain and discomfort, and some patients even avoid going for regular check-ups for fear that they may need work completed. Thankfully, improvements in anesthetic, the use of sedation and advances in the technology and techniques used in dental procedures means that most treatments are relatively straightforward.

My teeth won’t look natural after

Again, innovations in the field of dentistry mean that that day of unnatural, false-looking teeth and dental work is far behind us. Treatments such as veneers, crowns, and implants are completely customizable, ensuring that your restoration treatment is so discreet, no-one needs ever know that your teeth aren’t 100% natural.

At-home kits and over-the-counter products can provide the same results

When it comes to teeth whitening, the influx of products on the market means that there is a lot of choice for brightening your teeth on a budget. However, anything less than professional-grade in-office treatment will not have the strength of the bleaching agents needed to create a truly great result. In-office whitening is also proven to be more consistent and longer-lasting than any other alternatives.

If you would like to know more about cosmetic dentistry and the ways in which it can benefit the function and appearance of your teeth, make an appointment with a qualified and experienced dentist, who will be happy to answer your questions. Call PGA Dentistry in West Palm Beach, FL to learn more at 561-627-8666 .