How Palm Beach Gardens Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life – And Your Health

When most of our Palm Beach Gardens patients come to us looking for cosmetic dentistry, they are usually focused on the way cosmetic dentistry can change and improve their appearance. What they really aren’t considering is how dramatically the right kind of cosmetic dentistry can improve their physical health. But the truth is that when anything from smile makeovers to full-mouth reconstruction is done correctly, the benefits of total health pair beautifully with the thrilling results of aesthetics.

Tim’s Smile Story

Tim suffered from major dental problems for his entire life. Most of his teeth were chipped and cracked and he was unhappy with his smile. He was also very fearful of the dentist, so he always avoided going. Because of that, his smile was not healthy so it couldn’t look good either! “It was tough for me socially with my old smile. I felt like I was hiding and always covering my smile,” Tim shared. “My wife had been wanting me to get my teeth fixed for years. Finally, I made it to a point in my life where I made the decision to fix my smile.”

Why Health is the Foundation for Beauty

Beauty and comfortable health indicate balance and harmony. When you feel good, you look better, and when you look great, you feel great too! But there is more to it than just looking healthy – your mouth really should BE healthy as well. 

That’s why getting your mouth in top shape is Dr. Jay Ajmo’s primary concern. You see, without health, your cosmetic procedures are just not going to last. The most highly trained dentists know that if the foundation aesthetic dentistry is built on isn’t sound, all that gorgeous cosmetic work will eventually fail. Here at Palm Beach Garden’s PGA Dentistry, we make sure to:

  • Clear away gum disease, root infection, or bacterial build-up
  • Repair decay or damage
  • Replace any missing teeth
  • Check for dry mouth, TMJ Disorder, sleep apnea, or other issues that could affect your restorations

That’s not to say that cosmetic changes have to wait. All of the dentistry Dr. Ajmo performs is cosmetic. Even the most basic restorative procedures are completed with your appearance in mind. We never, ever perform dental procedures that don’t look terrific! 

Overcoming Nervousness

Tim isn’t alone in his dental anxiety – or in neglecting his smile because of it. A recent study indicates that nearly 60% of the US population suffers from some level of dental phobia – and PGA Dentistry offers all of our Palm Beach Garden and Jupiter patients sedation for just that reason! It’s what convinced Tim to finally make a major change, “The thing that really got me at Dr. Ajmo’s office was the IV sedation. To me, that was very important because of my fear of the pain. I finally did it and am so glad I did.”

The Stunning Results of Full-Mouth Restoration with eMax

Tim underwent full mouth restoration with eMax cosmetic porcelain crowns to restore his teeth to proper health and function. Emax is the premier dental porcelain and Dr. Ajmo chooses it for his patients because of its natural appearance, strength, and durability. These crowns and veneers can strengthen, repair, and correct:

  • Broken, chipped, cracked teeth
  • Worn down, weakened, or short teeth
  • Discolored and decayed teeth
  • Uneven, jagged, or crooked teeth

Made of lithium disilicate ceramic, eMax crowns and veneers are the best there is – and it shows in Tim’s smile. “The transformation was almost instantaneous,” enthuses Tim. “My self-confidence was just boosted. It was absolutely fantastic. Thanks to Dr. Ajmo, I feel like a new man.”

To learn more about how our Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentistry can change your life, schedule a consultation or 2nd opinion today, or check out even more success stories like Tim’s.