Cosmetic Dentistry for a More Professional Appearance

Palm Beach Gardens Smile Solutions

Who is Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentistry for? Anyone – but especially business professionals.  That’s right. Cosmetic dentistry has become an essential part of creating just the right first impression.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Does daily life require you to offer a warm and welcoming smile – even though you wish you could hide it? 
  • Do you need to present a crisp, professional appearance? 
  • Does your smile support or detract from the image you would like to project? 
  • Do you ever find yourself shrinking from the spotlight or not speaking up in meetings? 

When a well-groomed appearance is necessary, a damaged, discolored, or decayed smile can be one of the worst detractors. Like it or not, people judge us by our appearances first – and your smile plays a major role in that judgment. 

Studies show that people with straight, white smiles are 38% more likely to be perceived as smarter than those with imperfect teeth. If you are running a business,  competing for a promotion, trying to land a new job, or reentering the dating scene, that statistic is a big deal. 

When Smiling is Part of Your Business

John of Spoto’s Oyster Bar (the epitome of casual fine dining in Palm Beach Gardens) found himself wondering just exactly what he could do to improve his teeth. He needed to be ready to welcome guests with a smile and he was struggling. “In my business, a smile means everything and mine really needed help.” 

Cosmetic Dentistry You Can Rely On

While Dr. Jay Ajmo of PGA Dentistry is most famous for his dental implants, patients all over Palm Beach Gardens are discovering that he also has a magical touch when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. In fact, ask almost any patient and they will tell you that all of Dr. Ajmo’s dentistry is cosmetic – even when it is intended to repair or restore. The PGA Dentistry team is always here to answer any questions, explain your options, listen to your concerns, and help you come up with a plan that fits both your schedule and your budget. And when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, PGA Dentistry and Dr. Ajmo offer a complete menu of smile-perfecting cosmetic dentistry including:

  • Incredibly life-like porcelain veneers & porcelain crowns
  • Dental implants that are indistinguishable from natural teeth
  • Cosmetic dental bonding for smaller repairs and corrections
  • Smile whitening to add youth and brilliance
  • Combined smile design treatments for the ultimate in custom dentistry
  • Smile makeovers to give you the look of your dreams
  • Facial aesthetic analysis and correction

PGA Dentistry even offers injectables to complete your transformation.

Palm Beach Gardens Dental Veneers to the Rescue

As with all professionals, John Spoto didn’t have time to waste. He definitely did not want to shuttle back and forth between dental specialists to complete his dental work. That’s one of the main reasons he was so excited to find Dr. Ajmo right here in Palm Beach Gardens. “I’m busy! With my schedule, I needed a dentist that could handle all of my needs in one office. I wanted an expert I could trust to really do it right the first time. I wanted the best.” 

We value your time – and your discriminating taste – so we make sure we can solve your dental issues in the most timely, convenient, and superb fashion. And often, dental veneers are the best solution. 

Wafer-thin, yet remarkably durable,  dental veneers create a brand new surface for your teeth, effectively:

  • Closing minor gaps
  • Straightening crookedness or misalignment
  • Bringing balance to irregular or uneven teeth
  • Repairing chips, cracks, and wear
  • Covering intrinsic stains and discoloration

And much more! Even our most particular and demanding patients rave about the results of their cosmetic porcelain veneer experience. Just ask John Spoto! “I’m really happy with the results. I feel younger. I look younger. I’m happy now. It’s changed my life. I’m incredibly happy with my younger smile! And now, I can greet all of my guests with a great smile. Thanks, Dr. Ajmo!” 

To learn more about how Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentistry and porcelain veneers can boost your success, health, and happiness, schedule a consultation or 2nd opinion with PGA Dentistry today.