Celebrate the Holidays in Style With Palm Beach Gardens Cosmetic Dentistry

Can you believe that the holiday season is almost upon us? All those photo opportunities. All that smiling! And that’s great if you feel confident about your appearance. But if you don’t feel as confident as you could you may already be dreading the holiday whirl. We can help! Cosmetic dentistry (supplemented by the facial rejuvenation we also offer) can put you in the mood to celebrate and sparkle with confidence.

Your Smile is Your Most Important Accessory 

Are you planning a shopping spree for the holidays? Have you wondered exactly what you need to get the most out of your holiday wardrobe? Consider this: A straight, white, dazzlingly-healthy smile looks more festive, more dressed up, healthier, and just plain friendlier. It is the perfect accessory no matter what you are wearing or where you are going.

Even better, investing in your smile instead of in a new wardrobe has all kinds of benefits! 

Better for the environment: Did you know that 80% of discarded clothing goes to the landfill? That’s serious business when you consider that it can sit there for over 200 years, emitting methane as it decomposes. A smile makeover, or even a smile whitening, can change your appearance so dramatically, no one will notice if you re-wear your favorite holiday clothing! 

Better for your health: Seeing your Palm Beach Gardens dentist with regularity, even for cosmetic dentistry purposes, helps us keep an eye on your oral health. And since your oral health has a major impact on your overall health, this can have long-term benefits. Not only that, but the simple act of smiling also has incredible mood-and-health-boosting benefits. If you are hiding your smile, you are really missing out. Smiling has been proven to:

  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Reduce physical pain
  • Release feel-good endorphins
  • Boost your immune system

Wouldn’t all that be helpful to keep you feeling energized and cheerful throughout the season and beyond?

Give Yourself the Gift of Options

Here at PGA Dentistry, we offer our Palm Beach Gardens patients a full menu of cosmetic dentistry services in one luxurious location. Our cosmetic dentistry options include: 

  • Smile Whitening – this is one of our most popular options before and during the holidays because it takes very little time, yet can yield dramatic results. Talk to us about how smile whitening can brighten your smile up to ten shades!
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings  – if dark, ugly, and old fillings are bringing you down, upgrade your smile with cosmetic fillings! We simply remove those outdated, silver restorations that are ruining your smile and replace them with tooth-colored restorations that look exactly like a natural part of your smile.
  • Porcelain Crowns and Veneers  – these premier smile perfectors can completely revamp your smile, quickly, dramatically, and conveniently. These beauties do it all: whiten, straighten, support, lengthen, harmonize, and correct all aspects of your smile.
  • Smile Design and Smile Makeovers – since these are not individual treatments but a combination of care designed to get your smile to ideal health and beauty, these may take a little more time and planning. If you think you could use a makeover, don’t wait until the last minute. Plan early or gift it to yourself this year so you can look and feel your best for the rest of your life!
  • Dental Implants – though you may not consider this specifically cosmetic dentistry, it is one of the most cosmetically-enhancing procedures we offer here at PGA Dentistry. Dr. Ajmo is actually renowned in the Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter area for groundbreaking Teeth Next Day. It’s a smile result you don’t have to wait for!

Ask Hortensia!

Hortensia had older, uneven dental work that just wasn’t serving her anymore. A lovely and vivacious woman, Hortensia was struggling with gum recession, visible metal collars around her crowns, and yellowing of her teeth. Dr. Ajmo restored her smile with cosmetic porcelain crowns to give her a bright, healthy look that suits her full lips and pretty face. She is delighted! “Dr. Ajmo did such a wonderful job of replacing my outdated work. My new smile makes me feel absolutely beautiful!

To learn more about how the gift of Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentistry can brighten your holidays, improve your health, and change your life, schedule a consultation or 2nd opinion today, or check out even more success stories like Hortensia’s!