Are There Any Downsides to Dental Implants?

There are various alternatives available for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants in Palm Beach Gardens, on the other hand, stand out among the many. Other tooth replacement choices, such as dentures or bridges, cannot match the benefits of dental implants. However, this dental treatment also has its downside, but most dentists can assure you that it’s one of the most effective alternatives.  

a smiling senior with Dental implants in Palm Beach Gardens

Do the Downsides Outweigh the Advantages?

Reason Why Most People Are Scared of Dental Implants

The installation of dental implants necessitates surgery. Most patients think that this is a huge concern because surgery comes with a chance of complications, no matter what type it is. As for dental implants, the complication rate is only about 5% on average.  

Infection, damage to neighboring teeth, delayed bone healing, prolonged bleeding, and other risks and consequences are all possible with dental implants. Despite the risks, it’s always important to remember that neglecting to replace a missing or lost tooth will lead to even worse situations.  


No Cavities

Although artificial teeth must be cared for to prevent bacteria from accumulating in your mouth and causing illnesses, the substance used to make dental implants is not susceptible to decay. Since the implants are created from titanium, they don’t get cavities. As long as the implant heals, you can brush and floss just like you would before you had your impants. You’ll never have to be concerned about cavities in your dental implants again!

Restored Bite Force

Dental implants secured in your jaw with a titanium post that replaces the tooth root allow you to bite with roughly the same amount of force as your original teeth. Other tooth replacement solutions don’t restore nearly as much bite power. Unlike others, dental implants are attached to the gums and fastened in place.  

Improves Health

When we see someone with one or more missing teeth, it may sometimes be difficult to focus on anything else, especially when you’re not used to it. However, the problem is far more serious than that.  

Missing teeth can cause jawbone deterioration, leading to increased chances of other oral health problems.

Identical to Your Natural Teeth

Dental implants are available in many different shapes and sizes. Your dentist will collaborate with you to create implants in the same shade as the rest of your teeth and exactly fit into the gap. Only you and your dentist will be able to tell which teeth are implants.

Preserves Jawbone

Your jawbone will recede as teeth are lost. The form of your mouth changes as your jawbone evolves. Once jawbone recession develops creases around the lips and gives you a sunken-in appearance, it will make you appear a lot older than you are.  

The fit of your denture, specifically the lower denture, is affected by this continual movement. It may shift around the mouth as the jawbone changes. Because dental implants blend in with the bone, it can preserve the structure of your mouth.

a dentist checking a patient's Dental implants in Palm Beach Gardens

Get Your Dental Implants in Palm Beach Gardens!

At PGA Dentistry, we help patients find the perfect dental solution according to their dental and medical status. See us for more information!